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Gaddum Advocacy welcomes representatives from the Department of Health and Social Care

14th June 2022

HomeNewsGaddum Advocacy welcomes representatives from the Department of Health and Social Care

On Friday 10 June 2022, Gaddum were delighted to meet representatives from the Government Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC).

The DHSC were in Manchester to meet with our Advocacy experts, hearing insights and experience that will contribute to the reform Mental Health Act.

In attendance were Advocates from the Culturally Appropriate Advocacy Collaboration between Gaddum and our long-term partners, African & Caribbean Mental Health Services (ACMHS).

The team shared their views on Mental Health Act reform, the power of Advocacy and best practice.

ACMHS hosted the event at the historic Windrush Millennium Centre in Moss Side and the visit included a tour of the music and group spaces where the Culturally Appropriate Mental Health Advocacy Group sessions take place.

Culturally Appropriate Advocacy is a national pilot funded as part of the government’s ongoing review of the Mental Health Act which includes addressing the disproportionate detention of People of Colour under The Act.

We provide one-to-one and group Advocacy for People of Colour in Manchester who are accessing mental health services as inpatients or in community settings.

In the afternoon, our Advocates facilitated DHSC colleagues meeting inpatients at psychiatric wards across Manchester, which meant that Advocacy clients were also enabled to share their experiences of treatment under the Mental Health Act, having their voice heard by a representative from the Government.

Thank you to our Advocates, Tyler, Moradeke, Sefton, Limara, Sharon and Anthea for their continued hard work.

Visit our advocacy page find out more about our service.

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