We make a huge difference to people who use our services.
It wouldn’t be a leap to say ‘life-changing’ events happen daily in our world.
However, we’ve been guilty of giving out statistics, charts and sometimes lengthy evidence to show our impact. Yes, stats have a place, but it’s the people and their incredible stories that really showcase the heart of our accomplishments.
For 2023/24 we’re doing things differently. As Jo Campbell from Innovation and Development for Gaddum explains…
“I’ve always believed that dry reports filled with numbers and graphs lack the inspiration that true stories provide. Hearing about the real experiences of the individuals our staff work with has the power to raise the hair on my arms and ignite genuine passion.
This is why we’ve taken a unique approach to our impact reporting this year – one that’s continuous and driven by stories. Over the coming year, we will introduce you to the remarkable individuals we collaborate with. They will personally share how Gaddum has made a meaningful impact in their lives.
To do this, we need to challenge conventional methods, and encourage innovative ways to bring stories to life. Videos, diaries, storytelling, interviews, photo-stories… whatever sparks people’s imagination. Through this journey, we’re aiming to amplify the voices of those who use and partner with our services.
So, join us as we celebrate these stories of empowerment, growth, and positive change on the path to a more inclusive and brighter future. I hope you enjoy them and get to know us a bit better.”