Social Workers of the Future
As part of their social work training, students from Manchester Metropolitan University, The University of Salford and The University of Manchester are required to complete a total of 170 days of placement in a practice setting, divided into 2 placements
- A first placement of 70 days
- A final placement of 100 days
First and final placements are offered to students across Gaddum’s Carers, Therapy and Advocacy services.
In the academic year 2021/2022:
- Gaddum provided 34 students with placements
- 94% of students successfully completed their first and final placements
- Students placed with us at Gaddum have worked for 2,710 days
- Based on a working week of 35 hours, working for 42 weeks per year (210 days), our social work students have contributed the equivalent hours of nearly 13 full time members of staff.
This truly something to truly celebrate and provides us with evidence that the practice learning environment we are creating is a positive one.
Without the coaching, mentoring and continuous support of students from our team members, supervisors and practice educators, this work would not be achievable.
What our students said:
“My supervisors listened and cared about everything that concerned me. I want to take them both with me to my next placement. There is no aspect of learning that we didn’t talk about.”
“You are able to work independently with service users while having the support of your team through regular team meetings and supervisions. You also work with people with various ages, genders and backgrounds as well.”
“I’m currently working as a tribunal’s assistant for the General Medical Council supporting work to investigate doctors whose fitness to practice have been called in to question. So, my experience with Gaddum really helped me to secure this position!”
Visit our student placements page for more information.